Sharing my deep fascination with helicopter weaponry, especially the Cobra's M197 Gatling Gun. To me, this gun has the greatest potential to come alive as a scale model, primarily due to its rotating barrels. I have designed and built many versions and sizes of this gun for different customers over...
Patrick, If you upload and image and mouse over it, you can select "Sharing Options" - there, you can set the IMAGE to be the preview and NOT the video, which the owner disabled sharing on.
Patrick, I’ve had a solo shot3 for a couple years now. It is great when you get good sat signal and you’re more than 25-30 feet away from the transmitter. At times it can get lost tracking aircraft. There’s a little more work they need to do to help with precision.
I wonder if this camera you're talking about is like the one that YouTuber and heli master, John Salt uses? He recently purchased a camera that uses some type of GPS tracker: Put the tracker inside of the heli, and the camera which is mounted on an electronic gimbal will follow the heli's every move...