Evan Sayres (13 followers)
I'm having a hell of a time finding the bin file to get the knotronik Kolibri 140 HV-1 telemetry to work on my jeti system. I've been looking for the bin file but no luck their.

i know the tell me module is an option but the KOLIBRI is putting out an EXBUS protocol soooooooo.

Thanks in advanced ...
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Good Hunting
just get an Unisens-e module from SM-modelbau. Won't regret it...
Good Hunting
Evan, no I have not. But this does not mean that it does not exist...
I still have a lot to learn...
Evan Sayres
I reached out to a fellow heli Jeti Master. And the issue of all fixed. Or shall I say never was broken.

Once the ESC protocol is set to Jeti. Set the receiver port to Exbus. All the goodies will be populated to the telemetry menu options. "Not in the explorer as expected." This is explained in t...
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please help!!! I'm looking for a set of 700mm blades with a 4mm bolt hole.
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Servo knowledge.......
i would like to expand my understanding of the differences in servo settings, specifically the 760 uS vs. the 1500uS i understand the #'sare for centering. But I've been unlucky in my search as to a clear definition to what those #'s specifically mean and do.
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React! (4)
Charlie Bonnell
Hi Evan, so my understanding is,
760uS is half the width so you can go double the frequency. Higher frequency is better for the tail since it updates the servo faster.
In my limited experience in this scale RC hobby I have come to this observation...

You have 3 foundational disciplines. The Builder, The Modeler, The Pilot. They all phase into one another. It has taken me much pratice and patience just to recognize when I'm falling down one of the 3 rabbit holes. ...
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Butch Wellmaker

There is a rabbit hole.? I am in!!!

Most on this forum share the 3 disciplines you mentioned via videos or post, sharing the amazing work, builds and flying they do.

The process of model building or a scratch build is always an interest to me. I personally learn form what is posted.

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John Logan
You can add the 4th discipline called the banker. Can I fund this XXX I wish to take on.
When leveling a swashplate with a 4 servo setup. What are you builders using. to slide over the shaft? I have used the standard lever from align but want to know if there is something better out there.
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Charlie Bonnell
Hi Evan, I've used a large metal or plastic washer big enough to go over the 4 points with proper center hole to place over swash then on top place align leveler
Joe Bessette
On helis like the Future and even Raptors, I have just eye balled them and sometimes used a dial caliper to measure off of a common surface. If off a little, those helis would be trimmed in the radio anyway