Build & Maintain > Landing Gear/SkidsBuild & Maintain > Main Rotor SystemRoban ARFs > Bell UH-1D Huey (800)
Finally finished building my Roban UH-1D Huey 800 size. These are shipped painted the wrong color so I did a total repaint, decals from Caligraphics, running 12s packs. Finally got the rotor balance kit on which gives it a much better scale appearance as well as added custom made steps on the front...
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Brendan Massett
Looks great Bill! I just finished my Roban UH1-N Marines. Where did you get the rotor balance kit and the pilot figures?

Bill Lammers
There is a company called ZY Hobby. They are a Chinese distributor for Roban. These rotor balance kits are $49.95. The pilot figure I purchased from Figures Toy Company. You need an 8” pilot for the 800 size Huey.

Bill Lammers
Glad I could help. You owe me a fly by. 😀